Sunday, May 17, 2020

Airport Security A Global Issue Essay - 1450 Words

Airport Security Millions of people choose to travel by airplane every year. History has most recently shown that flying and airports have been a target for terrorists attacks however, how many travelers are truly concerned of the security measures being taken, compared to traveling by air being a proficient, hassle free, and speedy way to travel? Would the average travel sacrifice their safety in order to make their flying experience a faster processes? In today’s society, there is a focus on efficiency and not slowing down while keeping our airports and skies safe and secure of any potential threats, while on the other hand the safety of our people should be the most beneficial and strategic plan in security measures no matter how long this may take. First, the subject and focal point of safety and security in all forms of travel for citizens is a priority and especially since 9/11 this has become a global issue and problem to try to solve. To think of the two sides of this issue and ongoing concern is those that feel time is of the essence and there should be a more efficient protocol to follow while others do not care how long it takes but rather would put safety and effectiveness ahead of anything. To focus on efficiency and timely travel, there are many passengers that feel as though their time is being wasted waiting in the longer lines and trying to get through security when there are extra stopping points that continue to delay travelers from theirShow MoreRelatedSecurity Issues Facing Air Cargo Industry1486 Words   |  6 PagesSecurity Issues Facing Air Cargo Industry Air cargo industry is one of the most important elements in the transportation industry since it is responsible for transporting more than 35 percent of the value of total international trade, which accounts for more than $5.1 trillion. 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